Still on Track

003Still keeping up with  the Grand Illusion mystery.  Because 1) there were less blocks this week and 2) because we already made the HST in Clue 1 and 3) because I have a die for cutting strips in the correct size for the corner pieces,  this clue went quickly.  I just laid out some of my blocks, bu this doesn’t look right to me at all (especially when I mentally factor in the number of each block I have).

So all I have done in this pictures is give myself–and you a better impression of how the colors will look together.  Still liking my choices.  Happy to wait and see what it finishes out to be.  Gives me something to think of at this time of year other than how much I miss the kids being at home.  Tomorrow I have to get some more house cleaning and stuff done before the kids arrive.

See the Monday morning link ups here:

How about you?  Getting any sewing done?

5 thoughts on “Still on Track

  1. Great work in keeping up, I was also thinking that there must be some 12″ factor in the design. I still have a bit of catching up to do on all but Part 3, and yet to take a pic of my part 4.

  2. I like the colors you have chosen. I am still working clue 2; but did take time last Friday to look at Clue 3 & 4; and pull some more neutrals out of my “bricks” and “Strips” boxes. Looking for more variety than I had, and I think I found it. Meanwhile; clue two is pinned into double diamonds and ready to sew today; once I get some housecleaning finished (started……). Doesn’t this have a familiar ring…. Didn’t get near my blog or machine the last few days…..

  3. Love your colors, and when you mix them up like you have it gives one a real view of how they will work. Not long now and we will be sewing these little beauties together.

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